I did think of Spec3D as a term for the 3D that comes out at you but the Nintendo 3DS doesn’t use glasses and non-portable systems will probably stop using glasses-based technologies eventually.So I thought instead I’d throw the debate out to GC readers so we can avoid names that sound like Star Wars droids or the last decade, i.e.

And this is now being complicated by 3D graphics with 3D movement and 3D in the coming-out-of-the-screen-at-you sense.What simple terms should we coin to differentiate these differences? So far I have come up with the following (and I know they aren’t great) 2D2D, 2D3D, 3D2D and 3D3D. What with 3DTVs and gaming set to become the ‘next big thing’ how are we going to name it properly? What do I mean? Well 2D is a straightforward description at first thought, but if you think about it for longer things get more complicated.Off the top of my head you can get a straight 2D game, 3D graphics on a 2D plane, 3D graphics with 3D movement. Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition – is that 3D2D or 2D3D?ģD that is not 3DDuring your review of Furry Legends you briefly described the graphics and it got me thinking.